Below are some pictures from today's ultrasound. Our little girl was a bit too wiggly to catch, although we did get one picture of her (she is the one looking down, spine up). I'm afraid that she is going to be small but mighty. Little man tried so hard to be a good boy for the ultrasound tech, but his sister kept kicking him (the beautiful profile picture is his). At one time, we even saw her sitting on his head. Oh goodness...
Jason's dream of raising his son to be an NFL kicker just might come true. It seems our baby boy has inherited his father's feet. Poor thing... shoe shopping will never be easy.
I'm sorry to say that I think I will be cutting out the Fruity Cheerios for a special treat only. Frankly, I'm still a little surprised at the amount of weight that I gained, so I'm going to be doing my best to slow that down. I am happy to say that our little girl is 13 ounces and our little boy is 14 ounces. Both babies are right on track.
We are still working on the nursery. I will post pictures of the finished product as soon as we can.
Thanks for your prayers! I'll keep the updates coming! Halfway there!!!!